Sunday, October 29, 2006

Get ready, set, go!

Christina has just turned 9 months and has started to crawl. We are very excited about this developmental milestone. The problem now is that nothing is safe from her. She loves going for open doors and the toilet seat, so you always need to be on your guard and close doors.Her top two teeth have also started to come out. She likes to bite everything which is quite cute. Little Miss Personality doesn't like it when you take things away from her. Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Aqua time

Christina had her first swim today. We've had a few days of extremely hot weather and the little one just loves the water. Posted by Picasa

Sunday, October 22, 2006


Little Christina loves to fly. She opens her mouth and gives the biggest smiles to let you know that she likes it. Everyday is special because as she gets older, she interacts with you more and more. Gill and myself call her "Miss Personality" because she lets you know when she wants something. Posted by Picasa